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Informació Fòrum • Google: Suggest a change - Your change will be reviewed


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 Assumpte de l’entrada: Google: Suggest a change - Your change will be reviewed
EntradaPublicat: Dissabte 15. juny 2019, 07:51 
Google: Suggest a change - Your change will be reviewed

I have now clicked on Suggest Changes several times and entered the correct address and name into my Google location. Nothing happens.

First, “Your changes are being checked” kept appearing. Then “Your changes could not be applied” appeared in gray text. And it was still the wrong name of the Google location and the wrong address at my Google location.
For many days now, when I log in, “Your change is being checked.” appears every time, but unfortunately nothing happens.

There has been an incorrect name and address in my Google location for several weeks. Plus all the Google reviews I've received from others.

What can you do, unfortunately Google doesn't respond. I feel ripped off by Google. My entire website is being ruined by Google. People look at Google searches and find my location with the wrong name and wrong address.

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