
My Google reviews in Frankfurt have been deleted
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مبحث:  My Google reviews in Frankfurt have been deleted
نويسنده:  Manfred K

My Google reviews in Frankfurt have been deleted

My entire Google presence in Frankfurt am Main has been deleted and cannot be found. I had a Google presence in Frankfurt for my address in Frankfurt am Main and it has been deleted. I had 24 reviews there in Frankfurt am Main. I'm really shocked right now.

I had my location in Frankfurt am Main listed on Google for several years. And now simply deleted by Google. I'm shocked and angry at Google.

Google arbitrariness. What am I doing? What can I do? I am shocked.
I had 24 Google reviews in Frankfurt am Main and everything is gone.
I type my name into Google, nothing found. Simply deleted.

You can't write to Google and ask. I can't do anything. This is just making me angry. My entire professional existence in Frankfurt am Main is gone. I feel like I'm being oppressed by Google right now and I'm completely stunned.

Google acts like a god - and I, I can't do anything.
My entire Google presence in Frankfurt am Main has been deleted. Help.
What to do?
Do I need a lawyer?
But you can't beat Google.
Google arbitrariness.
Bor No – am I unemployed now, is my entire independence gone?

I can't do anything.
I can't write an email to Google because Google doesn't offer that.
Google does the molly to me.

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