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اطلاعات انجمن • My Google reviews in Frankfurt have been deleted


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امروز دوشنبه 1. جولاي 2024, 11:26

ارسال مبحث جديد پاسخ به مبحث  [ 1 پست ] 
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 موضوع پست: My Google reviews in Frankfurt have been deleted
پستارسال شده در: شنبه 15. ژوئن 2019, 07:12 
My Google reviews in Frankfurt have been deleted

My entire Google presence in Frankfurt am Main has been deleted and cannot be found. I had a Google presence in Frankfurt for my address in Frankfurt am Main and it has been deleted. I had 24 reviews there in Frankfurt am Main. I'm really shocked right now.

I had my location in Frankfurt am Main listed on Google for several years. And now simply deleted by Google. I'm shocked and angry at Google.

Google arbitrariness. What am I doing? What can I do? I am shocked.
I had 24 Google reviews in Frankfurt am Main and everything is gone.
I type my name into Google, nothing found. Simply deleted.

You can't write to Google and ask. I can't do anything. This is just making me angry. My entire professional existence in Frankfurt am Main is gone. I feel like I'm being oppressed by Google right now and I'm completely stunned.

Google acts like a god - and I, I can't do anything.
My entire Google presence in Frankfurt am Main has been deleted. Help.
What to do?
Do I need a lawyer?
But you can't beat Google.
Google arbitrariness.
Bor No – am I unemployed now, is my entire independence gone?

I can't do anything.
I can't write an email to Google because Google doesn't offer that.
Google does the molly to me.

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ارسال مبحث جديد پاسخ به مبحث  [ 1 پست ] 

چه کسي حاضر است ؟

کاربران حاضر در اين انجمن: بدون كاربران آنلاين و 4 مهمان

شما مي توانيد يک مبحث جديد در اين انجمن ارسال کنيد
شما مي توانيد به مباحث در اين انجمن پاسخ دهيد
شما نمي توانيد پست هاي خود را در اين انجمن ويرايش کنيد
شما نمي توانيد پست هاي خود را در اين انجمن حذف کنيد
شما نمي توانيد فايل هاي پيوست در اين انجمن ارسال کنيد

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