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 Subjek post: Google is destroying businesses
PostDipost: Selasa 25. Juni 2019, 22:13 
Google is destroying businesses

It's unbelievable that Google simply lets an existing profile with 21 positive reviews - which has existed for many years - simply disappear without a sound and no longer displays it.
We are all in the hands of Google. Everyone is affected, the business owners and the searchers who rely on Google.
What kind of lousy negative game is Google playing? Pick out individual ones and simply delete a profile that has existed for years with positive reviews? Yes, is Google trying to kid us here?

And it looks like Google likes to simply delete profiles here and there that have existed for many years.
Is Google fooling you?
How dangerous is Google?
Google plays with people. Google plays with business existence and quietly and secretly deletes important business profiles that have been around for years here and there. Outrageous. And nobody can do anything about it.
Is Google becoming a threat? Does Google want to rip people off?
It's time for everyone to see what Google is doing to people.
I see Google's business existence being ruined here.

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