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Informazione Forum • Google Email: Your review has not been published


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Oggi è lunedì 1. luglio 2024, 07:06

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Revisione argomento - Google Email: Your review has not been published
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Google Email: Your review has not been published

My reviews have been on Google for years.
Everything was OK for years.

Today I suddenly receive an email from Google. Then Google writes to me:

Your review has not been published

Content that violates our fake interactions policy is not permitted. Counterfeit interactions include: Content that promises benefits or is intended to influence the rating of a place. This also includes content that does not relate to actual experiences. Your content was removed by our automated moderation system.

This seems to be the latest Google harassment.
Insinuating people that my experience isn’t real.
Now, years later, Google is accusing me of my review being fake.
I am at a loss for words.

I looked on the internet and from what I read, this is happening a lot around the world at the moment.
So I am not an individual.
Is this the latest Google harassment?
Messaggio Inviato: mercoledì 8. novembre 2023, 15:33

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