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Мәгълүмат Форум • Why is Google deleting my entire location?


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Хәзерге вакыт: Якшәмбе 16. Июнь 2024, 01:28

Җавап бирү
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Хәбәрнең тексты:

:D :) ;) :( :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek:
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Кодны ничек күрәсез, шулай кертегез. Хәрефләрнең зур яки кечкенә булулары мөһим түгел.

Теманы күзәтү - Why is Google deleting my entire location?
Авторы Хәбәр
  Хәбәрнең башламы:  Why is Google deleting my entire location?  Өземтәле җавап
Why is Google deleting my entire location?

Google deleted my entire location. I had several reviews there.
Nobody has called me for a few days. My entire Google location has been deleted. People can no longer find me on Google. Because my entire location on Google, along with the Google reviews I received, were simply deleted overnight.
What do I do now? There is nothing where I can write to Google.
There is nowhere I can ask Google why they deleted my entire location with the Google reviews I received.
I find that outrageous. I haven't had any orders for a few days. Nobody calls me anymore. My entire Google location was simply deleted overnight. All of the Google reviews I received are gone. There is nowhere I can query Google or complain. Google doesn't seem to care. That's hard. My independence and my entire existence is threatened by Google.
Хәбәр Өстәлде: Шимбә 15. Июнь 2019, 07:26



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